EnTrust Enjoin with your staffing challenges
Our workforce talent sets the bar for staff augmentation with an emphasis on people and process combined with Enjoin’s well known and trusted brand. With a focus on compliance and education rooted in evidence-based clinical practice guidance and board-certified physicians with deep clinical expertise, we are confident in our people to drive data integrity and tangible outcomes.
Whether full outsource or supplemental staff support, our promise includes:
√ Pre-employment knowledge assessments to certify experienced professionals
√ Extensive onboarding to ensure skillsets match client’s unique needs
√ Regular quality assurance and collaboration with board-certified physicians to ensure data integrity,
operational efficiency, and compliance
√ Advanced education to support professional growth and learning experiences for our team
√ Dedicated management oversight to support high value outcomes and integration of highly skilled
professionals into your team
Experience the Enjoin difference:

Clinical Documentation Specialists
Inpatient CDS
Outpatient CDS

Inpatient Coders

Case Managers
Coming Soon

Utilization Review Nurses
Coming Soon